Thursday, February 17, 2005

*silly grin*

hehe.. finally.. FINALLY!

after all our planning. its gonna be happening!

months (well alright weeks) of preparing (well research and market surveys).
months of meetings (well for market surveys). ...
months of thinking and troubleshooting.
and now its here!

the preparation's finally done!
we're all prepared now for fun!
days of meeting are done and over with
now we welcome the happy (visitor)!

no more sitting in late night (msn) meetings
no more planning and waiting and waiting
now for singing and dancing and (rambling)
now for the (bloggie!) to be happening!!!

so exciting!! haha.. are you excited? whoohoo! yeeeeeeeha! wooooooooo!!!! yaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

ok pple are gonna kok me on the head.

thanks to judejonniejonjon and sianpanniepanpan (:p) !!! the excellent blogaddy & display name are greatly appreciated!!


ohohoh.. and i love you clareyclareclare for the title!!! *manical grin*

i'm craz(ily) happy. :D

so sue me.


ketsugi said...

sianpanniepanpan!? I'm never going to live this down.

tofu panda said...

*silly grin*

clare said...

helloooooooooooooooo darling i'm here i'm here!!!!! wheeee it's so ultra green lor. hahahaha! ahhhh i need to change my blog skin also. how arh. help me toooooooooooooo!!!! anyway blog more okies. hahaha we can indulge in teo bashing together hahahaha! ;) *muaks*

xyeek said...

Hey count me in on tt!!! "teo bashing" haahahahaha