Sunday, March 13, 2005


ok. i thought i should get something going again after several incoherent -how am i (that is you the reader) supposed to respond- blog entries..

aiyah.. how do pple keep finding stuff to blog about? what is it abt their lives that seem to be more interesting than mine? or have i just become so apathetic that nothing that happens seems to matter to me anymore? gah i've even seem to have lost the art of rambling.. i mean, having to think abt what to ramble on about is so utterly depressing.. its like, i really have nothing to say. its such a throwback to my -oh i'm so in awe of these pple around me i should just keep quiet and avoid saying anything stupid early teenage phase- that i thought i'd already grown out of for like. eons.

ok so maybe i have grown out of it and this is the -angst ridden trying to find some direction in life frustrated though not yet to the core latelatelate teenage phase-.

i hate econs. i have no no no no no no idea what's going on in class at all. yuck.
i hate stats lectures. i have no no no no no inclination to go for any of them at all. bah.
i hate legal essays. i have no no no no no idea how i'm gonna finish all the readings just to start on the intro. sheesh.

what happened to the "haaaaaaaai yah! *simulate chopping wood action* min zhi is so going to get 5.0 this sem!". sigh.. this is not good lor. i'm reverting back to the sleep and eat the day away so as not to have to think of doing work horrendous habit again. shoot. old habits die hard. how how how. *whine* ahhhhh i hate myself. no self control no discipline. disgusting. &^!(@$(%(oirhgiosghodisjg90808(Y&%)&jaoth :(((

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh. :C

bahhhhh. ok. i feel better now. bahdeebahdeeboo. oh no.. venting like that can't be too good either. haiyah haiyah haiyah. mood swings. not good.. no not good at all.. shoot. bang. plop.

blah ok, going back to pgp tonight.. shall endeavour to pia the night away. can't let my emotions govern my behaviour. its a horrible habit. almost 4 years out of sec sch and still like that.. new year (and non-new year) resolutions never seem to work. blah.

oh no.. this is such a depressing-ish negative entry.. eh i still got somemore to say leh how. about the musical..abt juicy stuff..(haha.. not mine sadly)..aiyah.. next time lar.. all you pple who can't stand reading long entries must have given up by now.. (then why am i bothering to type this since you probably won't be reading this anyway.)

okokokokok.. shall stop being longwinded. mz out.

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